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  • ICSE School Code

    KA 223

1. Faith in God

    Claretines shall come to recognize that there is an Absolute Being to whom they belong to and in whose love they live,move and have their being. A loving, genuine, creative, faith shall come to permeate their life choices

2. Justice

    Having come to believe that they belong to God,Claretines shall come to appreciate the need for justice in their relationships and in society. They shall work towards the realization and furtherance of justice in personal lives and society.

3. Truthfulness and Personal Integrity

    Claretines shall uphold Truthfulness and Personal Integrity in their lives and choices. Truth may hurt, but it eventually heals and gives life.

4. Respectful

    In their four - fold relationship - to God, nature, fellow human beings and oneself they shall have an attitude of respect and reverence. For the whole creation manifests the handiwork of God.

5. Service

    Claretines shall commit themselves to study and professional training for the ultimate purpose of placing their skills and lives at the service of the fellow human beings and the society.

6. Synergic Co-Operation

    Claretines shall prize co-operation and synergic collaboration in group for the realization of their goals. Healthy competition among the Claretines and not personal glory is considered a Claretine virtue.

7. Intellectual Competence

    Every Claretine shall strive to the best of their ability to achieve intellectual competence, which would equip them to create a civilization of love.

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